
I am in the final stretches of the project now and it is very important that I get everything done quickly and efficiently whilst also keeping my project at its highest possible quality.

The filming on Tuesday went almost as planned, I was able to get about half of the necessary shots in the first half hour of shooting. One change that was made was Katie's costume, she now has her hair down and is wearing a blue scarf, this really does not affect the project as I was going to have to re-shoot the entire sequence anyway due to the positions of the cars on the road.  At the end of the first half an hour the worst possible thing happened, the heavens opened and we were struck by what appeared to be a tropical downpour. Thankfully we sheltered ourselves in Katie's doorway and because there was no possible way that we could continue filming I cancelled the rest of the shoot for the moment and I went home. About 20 minutes later, the rain ceased and I decided to continue filming in the vain hope that everything would stay perfectly fine for the final takes. Thankfully it did and I was able to get all of the remaining shots done. All of the shots that I knew were wrong in the first version were now fixed and I was incredibly relieved to be done. Unfortunately, I am now not too sure about the running part of the sequence, but, at this point I do not have time to worry and I will have to make do. Those shots should not be nearly as bad as the problem shots in the first version and for that I am thankful.

During filming I did try to address one suggestion received during the feedback, specifically to include more shots during the running. I tried this, but it proved incredibly difficult and a major hassle so I simply decided to leave that suggestion be and get on with the rest of the filming.

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