'Midnight' First Edit

This is the first edit of my opening sequence for my fictional film 'Midnight'. At present, I feel that there are a number of issues with it that I need to sort out for the final draft deadline and this may require some re-filming but I believe it will only be three specific shots that I will need to do.

The first problem is the second shot of the moon. I personally think that the moon is far too jittery for that section. Luckily this is easily fixed by cutting the clip so I have a still moon and then repeating that footage for the necessary time without it being too noticeabale.

The second problem is during the tilt down. When the tilt reaches the bottom I made an edit so that it did not return up as it looked like a messy movement, however, in editing it there I have inadvertantly made the cut more obvious. If I am to re-film anything this will be one of the key shots.

Another issue is the gap between clips that appears at roughly 0:50 and 1:57. These will be easy to fix as it will just require a little bit of zooming into to make the joins between the clips more seamless.

I might also re-shoot the last two shots of the running sequence purely because the actress does not look quite as scared as I would like. It is not a major problem and if I can get away with not re-shooting then I won't, but these two shots will definitely be re-done if I re-shoot.

In almost all of the clips in the car I need to do some more audio editing, removing the noise that is clearly apparent in all of them and ruining the atmosphere that I want to create. This will be as simple as the previous audio editing so it should not be a problem.

Despite these issues I still need to continue to mess around with the colour curves, brightness and contrast settings and then edit the running sequence on Adobe After Effects to try and make it seem even more like night than it already is because to me it still looks too early to be midnight.

Overall, I am still incredibly happy with the first draft of my film and I believe that all of the problems I have pointed out are simply ways for me to make my Thriller as perfect as I can make it. In doing this, I have allowed myself to focus my effort on certain specific areas so that I am not wasting my time on the sections that I think are fine. This will make my final edits much more efficient and I am glad that I have taken this evaluative step.

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