The ideas within this storyboard may or may not change after the audience questionnaire as that will allow me to better aim my Thriller to a specific audience.

The camera then tilts down to allow the audience to see the character of Lynette James looking at the moon. It then cuts to a close up of her as she turns to the camera. Then the audience sees a canted angle of Lynette starting to run away and the leg of the murderer coming into the shot.
There is then a series of action match shots as Lynette runs for her life, with similar shots to those in 'Silence of the Lambs'. Lynette eventually tires out and then turns to face her murderer. She exchanges a line of dialogue with the unseen killer, before the camera looks at her head on as she asks another question. The audience then see an extreme close up of her eyes as she screams "Oh my Go-" and then the screen cuts to black and a gunshot can be heard.
A series of three graphics with a roman numeral, name, age and time of death appears all voiced over by the protagonist Zoe Moon. There are then two black screens as Zoe explains the plot before we see a secretary or fellow detective burst into a room shouting about another murder.

Overall, I believe that this is a decent start to the planning of my opening as I now have an idea of the camera angles I want to use, what props I am going to need and the characters that I am going to have to develop. However, in evaluation of the storyboard, I do believe that I am being far too explicit with the plot and when I come to re-draft the storyboard and write the proper script I am definitely going to have to sort those issues out. I am also going to remove the character of the secretary as they serve no purpose and this revelation can be dealt with via a mobile phone. I will also change Zoe Moon's location to a car as it will make her look like she is on the move.
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