The Road
The major location in my opening sequence is a road that is the location of Lynette James's murder. Usually a forest is used for such a location, as it is a stereotypical location for such horrible acts. However, I want to bring this murder closer to the audience by placing it on a normal road thereby adding to the unease that the audience would feel as the murder could have happened on the street that they live on.
Left: Leight Road, Toton Right: Darley Avenue, Toton
I have two ideas for the location of this road for filming. The shoot will either take place on Leigh Road, Toton or Darley Avenue, Toton. This is because both roads are rather long and there are no junctions on the left hand side of both roads making them perfect to shoot on. They are also usually very quiet so this works brilliantly for health and safety problems. It also makes the roads look more threatening when it is nighttime and although I may end up using a day for night shoot this effect will still be apparent. Overall, the final location will be decided by the actress as it is up to her where she feels most comfortable filming and which is easiest for her.
The final location for this scene was decided as Darley Avenue, this is because it is the easiest to access for the actor and actress and it is also the slightly more threatening looking road.
In Zoe Moon's Car
The only other location in the opening sequence is the area around Zoe Moon's car. While this is not vastly important as all of the shots will focus inside the car, the particular location of the shoot will add to the dramatic tension due to the way it looks.
This location is relatively bleak looking and because it is so featureless it will allow the audience to worry about the character's true location. The reason that I have chosen to film here is because it is where Sophie Kish currently lives and it is easier for me to go and film there than it is for her to come to Nottingham and film here as she is still doing her university studies and holding down a part time job. However, the look and feel of the driveway make it the perfect place to shoot the tense introduction to the character of Zoe Moon.
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